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Migrated to Acquia hosting. Time to re-start blogging

on Wed, 10/28/2009 - 18:51

Well, I've been silent for a while (a) because I'm not a prolific blogger (though I've become a prolific Tweeter @batsonjay ), and (b) because I've been wanting to migrate my site to Acquia Hosting.  As Acquia's Founder, I thought I better use our products.  Until now, this blog had been hosted at a third-party hosting company.

I started the process months ago; but stopped before I finished.  And, as is with all cobbler's children, I didn't really take the time to take care of my site - vs. our customers', etc.  So, the migration languished until I could find the time to reconstruct the mid-point stage I was at, and finish the job.  During the migration, I was always thinking "Well, don't put any more content on the blog; I'm not sure where I'm at in the migration, and it might be more complicated if I blog X."  In the end, trying to re-start from mid-point was actually harder than starting from scratch.  

Which I finally gave up and did.

So now, I'm eating our dog food.  Or some metaphor that mixes better with cobblers' children.  Now I have no excuse not to talk more.  And of course, I do like to talk.

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