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Gates from (not "to") Another Generation

on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 22:07

It's amazing to me to see what Bill Gates continues to say (he believes) about open source. He talks about open source, but it isn't open source as you and I would know (/love) it.

All I can conclude is either:

  • He has lived his whole career with one business model, and he's just stuck in that model and can't understand the massive, amazing, staggering leverage that comes from having a really huge community work on the same software project. (His comments about "If you invent something, you should be able to charge for it" would suggest he's still living in a world where he, or his company, write all the software.) This leverage is the thing that is so attractive (to me) about open source. It's also the primary thing that gives me joy - the ability to be part of such an amazing, creative community.
  • He simply has to be a good doobie, and preserve - as long as possible - the model he has lived in his whole life (or else see his, and his shareholder's asset value vaporize.

Given that people say he's so bright, it's gotta be the latter. Or else he's just another old dog that can't learn new tricks.

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